Minnesota Reception and Diagnostic Center

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Minnesota Reception and Diagnostic Center
Opened 1963
Current Status Active
Building Style Cottage Plan
Location Lino Lakes, MN
Alternate Names
  • Lino Lakes Juvenile Detention Center
  • Lino Lakes Minnesota Correctional Facility (Current)


The Minnesota Reception and Diagnostic Center opened its doors in 1963, housing juvenile and “youthful” (ages 18 to 21) offenders and providing treatment for emotionally disturbed juveniles. The center continued in that function for about a decade, though a DOC guard training program was also established at the site in 1971.

In 1975, the facility transitioned into housing adults. In 1978, it became the state’s first medium-security prison, housing adult males (a youth presence remains nearby, with the Anoka County Juvenile Center next door). Much of the prison’s emphasis at the time was on vocational skills. In 1993, however, the wood industry program and print shop were moved to other prisons, and programs and facilities to treat sex and chemical offenders were set up. In 1997, the DOC made treatment the prison’s primary goal, a priority it retains to this day. It currently houses about 1,300 male inmates and is staffed by more than 450 employees.