Concord State Hospital
Concord State Hospital | |
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Established | 1838 |
Construction Began | 1841 |
Opened | Oct 29, 1842 |
Current Status | Active Preserved (Original Building) |
Building Style | Pre-1854 Plans |
Architect(s) | Elias Carter |
Location | Concord, NH |
Alternate Names |
Years Of Delay[edit]
About the year 1830 the condition of the insane of New Hampshire began to awaken a deep interest in the hearts of philanthropic persons in all sections of the state. As the public interest in the subject deepened, a settled conviction was formed in leading minds that the state should take the initiative in whatever measures might be adopted. Influenced in part, perhaps, by this general sentiment, but feeling deeply the importance of the enterprise, Governor Dinsmore, in his message to the Legislature in June, 1832, thus called attention to the condition of the insane: "I feel no apology need be made, in an age so distinguished for its public and private charities, for calling your attention to a subject which has so much reason and humanity on its side as a measure for the security and recovery of the lunatic or insane. The Legislature of the state has never yet recognized these unfortunate beings as entitled to any special favor from the government."
He also recommended, as a preparatory step, the institution of an inquiry: "To ascertain, with as much exactness as practicable, the whole number of insane within the state, distinguishing paupers from others, the number which have been committed to jail within a given time by authority of court, or by their friends or others, without the order or sanction of judicial proceedings, and the length of their respective terms of confinement; and to ascertain, in like manner, the actual or probable amount of cost of court and jailers' fees, and expenses of their support and maintenance in cases of confinement."
In accordance with this recommendation, the Governor was directed "To take proper means to ascertain the number of insane persons in the state."
In his message at the opening of the winter session, Governor Dinsmore made the following report: "In 141 towns, being all from which returns have been received, the whole number of insane is 189—90 males and 99 females—one-third of whom are paupers. The whole of those now in confinement is 76, of whom 25 are in private houses, 34 in poorhouses, seven in cells and cages, six in chains and irons, and four in jail. Of those not now in confinement many were stated to have been at times secured in private houses; some have been handcuffed; others have been confined in cells, and some in chains and jails."
In pursuit of the Governor's recommendation, a bill was introduced into the House of Representatives "For the establishment of the New Hampshire Asylum for the Insane." This was read twice, laid upon the table, and, on the 28th day of December, indefinitely postponed by a vote of 139 to 78. Upon the assembling of the next Legislature, in 1833, Governor Dinsmore again alluded to the subject in his message, and said, in relation to the establishment of an asylum for the insane: "Although your predecessors did not feel prepared to sanction the measures recommended, I have never lost the hope of seeing at an early period zealous co-operation of the several branches of the government with the friends of suffering humanity in promoting a charity so plainly recommended by the principles of our religion and by every consideration of justice and philanthropy."
On the 20th day of June of that year a resolution was introduced into the House of Representatives authorizing the appointment of an agent to examine and inspect sundry asylums for the insane and "Report a plan for an asylum in this state." The resolution was passed and sent to the Senate, where, in a few days afterwards, its further consideration was postponed to the next session of the Legislature. Another resolution was introduced appropriating $10,000 " for the erection of an insane hospital," the further consideration of which was postponed to the next session of the Legislature.
Upon the opening of the session of 1834 Governor Badger warmly urged in his message the importance of taking some measures for alleviating the existing conditions of the insane. A resolution for an appropriation by the state of the sum of 812,500 for the erection of an asylum for the insane was again postponed to the next session of the Legislature. Later a resolution was passed which required the selectmen of the several towns to make return to the Secretary of State of the number and condition of the insane in their respective towns and districts. ft is noteworthy that the friends of the insane were not discouraged, but obtained the use of the Hall of Representatives for a lecture from Dr. William Perry upon the condition and wants of the insane of the state.
In the following year a resolution was introduced appropriating 25 bank shares for the asylum for the insane, but it was defeated. The following year the question was again brought up by the Governor and a committee was appointed to report on such portions of the Governor's message as referred to provision for the insane. It is interesting to notice that the report given by Dr. Luther V. Bell is very harrowing in its details as to the condition of the insane in the almshouses and receptacles of the state, but action was again postponed. A few days later, upon the occasion of a resolution appropriating bank shares for the erection of an asylum, a resolution was passed directing the Governor to take the sense of the qualified voters of the state upon the question, "Is it expedient for the state to grant an appropriation to build an insane hospital?" At the next session of the Legislature it was found that less than one-half the voters of the state had expressed any opinion, and the bills as far as received indicated that there was no decided majority in favor of the step. For a year, in consequence of the financial stress in all parts of the country, no effort was made to agitate the question.
Establishment of the Asylum[edit]
In 1838, a bill for the establishment of an asylum was passed and the long struggle of more than six years was over. This bill was in the form of a charter to establish a corporation known as the New Hampshire Asylum for the Insane. The corporation had power to hold real and personal property for any amount necessary for its support, provided that this income from real and personal estate should not exceed $30,000. There were 39 incorporators. The institution was placed under the management of a board of 12 trustees, three of whom should vacate their office yearly and eight of these trustees were elected by the corporation and four by a Board of Visitors. It was further provided that the sum of $15,000 should be secured to the institution by individuals before any money should come from the state. If these conditions were met 30 shares of New Hampshire bank stock, worth about $18,000, were to be given to the institution. As might have been anticipated, difficulties arose almost at once in the corporation between the subscribers to the voluntary fund and the trustees appointed by the state. It accordingly became necessary for the Legislature to act and provide that the direction, management and control of all the property and concerns of the asylum should be vested in trustees without power of interference on the part of the corporation. It was finally in 1840 deemed best to put the whole institution under the control of 12 trustees, to be appointed by the Governor and council. The Legislature also provided at the same time that all the contributions by private individuals, previously made, should be returned to them if claimed before a certain time.
The asylum was located in 1841 in the Town of Concord, because the town had given the sum of $9500 to secure the location. Private individuals also contributed in addition to this sum. The Building Committee entered upon its duties at once and n October, 1842, procured the completion of a portion of the present center building with accommodations for 96 patients. The whole amount expended for the farm of 121 acres, the erection of the hospital and outbuildings, furniture, stock, etc., was $36,277.70. Of this sum $19,000 had been paid by the state, the balance being received in contributions by the town and citizens of Concord, the Society of Shakers and other benevolent individuals.
The asylum was opened for the reception of patients on the 29th day of October, 1842, under the superintendency of Dr. George Chandler, who in June following reported to the trustees the admission of 76 patients during the previous seven months. Dr. Chandler remained at the head of the institution for about three years, and to him it is largely indebted for the initiation of a wise routine of management. He was succeeded in 1845 Dv Dr. Andrew McFarland, afterwards superintendent of the Illinois Asylum for the Insane, who discharged the duties of superintendent for about seven years and resigned in the summer of 1852. In 1849 the Chandler wing was built, named in honor of Dr. George Chandler.
Dr. McFarland was succeeded by Dr. John E. Tyler, who held the office for a period of about four years and a half. During his superintendency the first portion of the Peaslee building was erected in 1854; steam fixtures for warming the halls and other parts of the house were introduced in 1855; and in consequence of increasing applications for admission, the Rumford wing was erected the same year, thereby increasing the limit of accommodations to 225 patients.
In consequence of impaired health Dr. Tyler resigned in 1857 and was succeeded by Dr. Jesse P. Bancroft. Dr. Bancroft's period of service was a long one, extending from 1857 to 1883. It was also an active one, during which no less than seven important buildings were added to those previously in use. The first of these, in order of construction, was the Kent building, erected in 1867. This is the corresponding building, on the female side of the asylum, to the Peaslee building, on the male side. It embodies most of the advanced ideas pertaining to the custody of highly excited patients prevailing at the time of its erection, and is still well abreast of the present period in this respect.
The greatly enlarged number of patients in 1868 rendered necessary a new kitchen, bakery, cellar, dining room for employees, sewing room and chapel. These wants were all supplied in the present chapel building, which was built that year. The ventilation of the buildings proved more and more defective as time elapsed and numbers increased. To remedy this defect, Dr. Bancroft devised a new system for the halls and rooms in 1869. The enlargement of the asylum structure on the south brought into very objectionable contiguity the barn and stable of the institution. The necessity for larger structures of this character, better planned and more remotely located, was met in 1871 by the removal and reconstruction of the barn and stable upon the sites which they now occupy.
In 1874 the Peaslee building was beyond capacity and lacking important conveniences. Its accommodations having become insufficient rather than unsuitable, it was enlarged to double its size and furnished with additional conveniences as the most advanced treatment of highly excited patients required.
Three years later it became apparent that the asylum had outgrown its boiler house and repair shops, and that a new structure to meet these wants had become imperative. A new boiler house and work shops were accordingly constructed in 1877.
The central building of the asylum had been enlarged twice. Its accommodations were first increased, in 1860, by an addition of some 36 feet upon the west; an additional story was put upon it in 1879. These additions have doubled its original capacity.
The Bancroft building was erected in 1882. This was suggested partly by the need of additional room on the female side of the asylum and partly by a desire on the part of the friends of a somewhat limited class of patients in the state for more ample accommodations and a more private life than is usually found practicable at institutions for the insane.
In its plan of construction this was an advance on all the others. Previously the more agitated and irresponsible classes had been amply provided for in the older buildings, but not so the convalescent and those not needing restraint. The partially self sustaining patients had been associated with more or less incompatible classes for lack of sufficient variety in apartments. So, also, persons with ample means and needing no other than moral restraint had not found, in the older buildings, sufficiently liberal accommodations to satisfy their habits and tastes. Both these classes have been provided for in the construction of this building.
Then followed the Twitchell building for convalescent and appreciative men patients, the summer cottages at Lake Penacook, constituting a beginning of a colony four miles distant from the hospital itself, the north pavilion and the south pavilion for chronic men and women patients, the additions to the Kent and Peaslee buildings for the more disturbed patients of either sex, the hospital building for the admission of new patients and the care of such as need hospital nursing; and, lastly, a group in process of erection for the care of quiet patients of either sex of the industrial class.
The New Hampshire Hospital is located in the very heart of the City of Concord, upon a tract of ground of about 125 acres. Some 25 acres of this are occupied by the various buildings and airing courts; the remainder by the pond, farming areas, groves, avenues and paths. In addition to the ground about the house, the asylum owns a pasture of 50 acres about half a mile distant.
One of the greatest boons enjoyed by the institution is that of an unlimited supply of purest water. This comes from a well sunk by Dr. Bancroft upon the premises in 1880, which has a diameter of 50 feet and a depth of 15. It is drawn upon daily for about 50,000 gallons, and is capable of yielding a much larger supply.
In 1855, as before stated, the furnaces which had been previously employed were discarded and appliances for warming the buildings by steam were introduced. Up to 1870, wood was the fuel used, but this growing more and more dear in price and its supply more and more uncertain, it gave way to coal, which has been the fuel used for the last 15 years.
After an active service of 25 years Dr. Bancroft resigned the superintendency in 1882, and was succeeded by his son, Dr. Charles P. Bancroft.
Donations & Contributions[edit]
There have been many private donors, and the legacies which from time to time have been given the institution early assumed sizable proportions. The institution was fortunate in securing these many bequests, for it is doubtful whether it could have been established as early as it was without them. The large donations to the asylum had one bad effect: they rather tended to withdraw public interest from the institution and the Legislature was too prone to rely on the income from the funds for maintenance of the new institution rather than upon legislative appropriations.
In 1837, before the opening of the asylum, Miss Catharine Fiske, of Keene, a lady of high culture and benevolent impulses, bequeathed to it a legacy of nearly $6000, charged with certain temporary annuities, since terminated. By the terms of her will this bequest was not to be paid to the asylum until the expiration of 50 years from the time of her decease. It became payable in 1887 and amounted at that time to over $23,000.
In 1846 and at subsequent times the state, as trustee for the asylum, received in partial payments from the estate of Jacob Kimball, of Hampstead, a legacy amounting to $6743.49, the interest of which is annually paid by the State Treasurer to the asylum.
Again in 1847 Samuel Bell, of Chester, made to the asylum generous donations of money, to be expended in the purchase of books for the use of patients. With this some 250 volumes of standard works, well suited to the purpose intended, were procured. These formed the nucleus about which the present asylum library has grown. The important additions since made have resulted from numerous smaller and later gifts. This collection of books, now containing about 1800 volumes, is of great value as a curative agency in the treatment of large numbers of convalescent and mildly affected patients.
Two years afterward, in 1849, me institution received as a contribution to its fund the sum of $200 from John Williams, of Hanover. Abiel Chandler, of Walpole, the founder of the Chandler Scientific School at Hanover, who died in 1851, bequeathed to the asylum two legacies—one of $600, charged with the lifeestate of a niece, and another of $1000, at the same time making the institution his residuary legatee. The several sums, paid to its treasurer from time to time by his executors, amounted to 827,631.15. The ultimate amount of this fund, which bears the name of its donor, has been fixed by the trustees at $30,000, and, already increased by the addition to it of interest, stands upon the books of the institution at $29,800.
The Countess of Rumford, who died at Concord in December, 1852, was also a benefactress of the asylum. Feeling a deep interest in this and other benevolent institutions in her native state and elsewhere, at her decease she left to such a very large proportion of her estate. To her the asylum is indebted for a legacy of $15,000, which was paid in 1853.
Benjamin Thompson taught school in Concord three years previous to the Revolution. He married Mrs. Sarah, the young widow of Benjamin Rolfe, and a daughter of the Rev. Timothy Walker, minister to the First Parish of Penacook, now Concord. Of this union was born October, 1774, a daughter, who some years later inherited the title of Countess of Rumford on her father's death. After being suspected of Toryism, Benjamin Thompson left Concord and was sent by General Gage to England. His first wife having died, the daughter followed her father to Europe, where she lived with him in Paris and London. She returned to Concord in 1845, where she died. She had accumulated considerable property, leaving at her death money to found the Rolfe and Rumford Asylum for Children in Concord, and $15,000 to the New Hampshire Asylum for the Insane, which was the beginning of the invested funds now held by the institution.
Mr. Joseph Walker, of Concord, for 60 years one of the trustees of the hospital, was a lineal descendant of the minister, Timothy Walker, and he now lives in the house which was occupied by Timothy Walker himself. A portrait of the Countess of Rumford hangs in the chapel of the hospital.
Mrs. Mary Danforth, of Boscawen, who also died in 1852, after making other specific bequests, left to the asylum the residuum of her estate. From this the sum of $347.90 was realized by the institution.
One of the early trustees of the asylum was William Plumer, of Londonderry, who ever manifested a deep concern in its welfare. It was found after his decease that, retaining this interest to the last, he had left to it a legacy of $500, which was paid in 1863. Still another benefactress of the asylum was Mrs. Peggy Fuller, of Francestown, from whose estate it received in 18621863 the sum of $1814.42. In 1862 the institution received from the executors of the will of Mrs. Fanny S. Sherman, of Exeter, a lady of great excellence of character, a legacy of $5000, the annual income of which is, by her direction, given to indigent patients, to assist them in paying the necessary expenses of their support, and is the first bequest ever received by the asylum to which any particular direction has been attached by the donor. Some five years later a legacy of $202.10 was paid to the asylum by the executors of Horace Hall, of Charlestown. The largest bequest ever made to the asylum was the munificent one of Moody Kent, who died in 1866. Having watched its progress with great interest for a long series of years, he left it at his decease the residue of his property, after the payment of numerous legacies to relatives and friends. From this estate the institution received $149,414, which sum, increased by a small addition derived from accrued interest now constitutes the present Kent fund of $150,000.
The Rev. Charles Burroughs, D. D., of Portsmouth, who for about 13 years had held the office of president of the Board of Trustees, left at his decease in March, 1868, a bequest of $1000 to be paid to the institution at the close of the life of Mrs. Burroughs. Isaac Adams, of Sandwich, after having served the institution for several years with signal ability as one of its trustees, upon retiring from the board, in 1868, accompanied his resignation with the liberal gift of $1000, requesting that the interest might be expended in affording means of indoor recreation to male patients so situated as to be deprived of it in the open air.
In 1872 John Conant, of Jaffrey, the constructing agent of the first asylum building, for many years a member of its Board of Trustees and for six years its president, gave a donation of S6000 as an addition to its permanent fund. The third on the list of female patrons of the institution was Miss Arabella Rice, of Portsmouth, who died in 1872 and left to it a legacy of $20,000.
Isaac Spalding, of Nashua, for many years a member of the Board of Trustees and from 1868 to 1875 its president, died in the latter year, leaving to the asylum a legacy of $10,000 as his contribution to its permanent funds.
In 1883 the asylum received a legacy of $1000 from the estate of Miss H. Louise Penhallow, of Portsmouth. In 1885 another of $1000 was received from the estate of Mrs. Rhoda C. Piper, of Hanover, and in 1886 still another of $500 from that of Mrs. Betsy S. Smith, of New Ipswich, which is the last which has come into the treasury.
The whole amount of the asylum's permanent funds on the 15th day of April, 1886, was $270,230.20.
One word may be added in regard to the application of the income from the funds. This has been largely used for assisting indigent insane patients. There are many people throughout the state, chiefly of the farming classes, who very much desire to maintain their relatives at the hospital, but who would be unable to do this unless assisted in some way financially. It was the intention of many of the donors of these funds to assist poor people who were ambitious to care for their relatives but who, without assistance, would find the burden a large one. Accordingly the trustees have for many years divided the income from the legacies among deserving worthy cases. These donations have prevented many deserving people throughout the state from awning to pauperism, and have realized the beneficent intention of one of the largest donors, who said that he wished to leave his money where it would do the greatest possible good to the largest number of people for the longest possible time.
Late 1800s[edit]
From the time of the admission of the first patient, October 29, 1842, to March 31, 1886, a period of 43 years, 5 months and 2 days, 4,890 persons were admitted to the asylum and received its care. Of this number, 1,777 were "cured" and able to resume their places in society. A further 1,139 persons under care and treatment, but who did not fully recover mental health, left the institution for care in family settings. Of this class, a considerable number were convalescent on leaving, and fully recovered afterwards. The records show only 878 discharged whose diseases were not either removed or mitigated. 776 have died at the asylum since its opening. Total population of the asylum in 1916 is 960, and there are about 100 left in the various almshouses.
In hospital construction since the year 1882 the detached pavilion plan has been the favorite method of construction adopted by the trustees. The Twitchell house, the Bancroft building, the hospital building, and the new group for working patients are all detached buildings connected with the main building by long subways for the economical distribution of heat, water and electricity. In the convalescent buildings for both men and women every attempt has been made to secure the conditions of the private house and home as far as is possible.
At the farm colony an attempt has been made to establish conditions of life exactly as they exist on the ordinary New England farm. Much has been done in the culture of small fruits, in the raising of chickens and eggs, as well as the care of stock. It is to be hoped in the near future, when sufficient land is acquired in this locality, that a milk farm can be maintained. A nucleus has already been started in the building of a modern cow barn at this farm.
Shortly after 1886, 230 acres of land were purchased at Lake Penacook, four miles distant from the main building, and cottages were constructed. Two of these cottages are used for summer occupation only, and a third is open the year round for working farm patients. This latter cottage is the nucleus of a future farm colony. In this initial colony quiet, industrious male patients are employed with great benefit to themselves as well as financial profit to the hospital. These men cut ice and wood in winter, make maple syrup in the spring, and raise farm crops, eggs and poultry for the entire institution.
In the year 1888 a training school for nurses was established at the State Hospital by order of the trustees. This school has been in constant operation ever since. The training school has affiliated relations with one or two general hospitals as well as with the Concord District Nursing Association in Concord. In this way nurses receive instruction in surgery, in obstetric nursing and in general diseases.
Early 20th Century[edit]
In 1901 the Legislature changed the corporate title of the institution from New Hampshire Asylum for the Insane to New Hampshire State Hospital, thereby recognizing the true character of the institution as well as assuaging the feelings of the patients and their relatives.
In 1907 the new hospital building was opened for the reception of patients. It fulfills the double purpose of a psychopathic and admission hospital for new cases, as well as an infirmary for treatment of patients physically sick. The attempt is made in this building to treat insanity just as ordinary sickness is cared for in a general hospital. There is a resident physician and his assistant, and a pathologist; a well-appointed laboratory, diet kitchen, hydrotherapeutic room fully equipped with the most modern apparatus, dental department, and an operating room. Under the resident physician is the head nurse, who is also superintendent of the training school for nurses. Graduate women nurses are placed in charge of the men's wards in the hospital building, with assistant women nurses and orderlies, just as in a general hospital.
All new cases are admitted at the hospital building, are examined, charted, and assigned to their respective wards. As long as is necessary or possible they are detained in the reception wards. If their mental condition does not render continued residence in this location necessary or feasible, then they are transferred to the proper ward in the main building, or if convalescent, are assigned rooms in the Bancroft or Twitchell houses. Tubercular patients, when not too far advanced, are treated in beds on open verandas. There are also in addition to the large open wards four smaller wards with individual rooms so arranged with reference to bath rooms and lavatories that they can be completely isolated for the segregation of contagious disease. When patients in other parts of the institution become physically ill or . are not expected to live they can easily be transferred through the subway on a wheel carriage to the passenger elevator in the basement of the hospital building, and thence to their proper ward.
In the year 1910, additions were made to the building for disturbed and actively excited patients. These additions were of reinforced concrete construction, and as nearly fireproof as possible. Provisions for continuous baths were made in these additions.
The last detached building for patients—the Walker building, named in honor of J. B. Walker, for 60 years a member of the board—was opened in June, 1913. This latest structure, with a capacity for 212 patients, which can be doubled by the addition of one large wing, is a complete unit in itself, similar to the hospital building, having a central administrative portion with kitchen and congregate dining rooms. The Walker building is intended for quiet industrial patients of both sexes. The women are engaged in laundry work, sewing, rug making, basketry and various kinds of needle work. The men work on the farm, in the shops, kitchen and wherever they can make themselves useful. The benefits to patients living in detached houses are exemplified in the Walker building, situated as it is far from the other buildings, with abundance of sunlight, fresh air and with a pleasing outlook from its windows and verandas. A general air of contentment prevails; everyone is employed in some useful service, and well-cooked food is served from a model kitchen adjacent to a large, cheerful, sunny congregate dining room.
Occupational Treatment[edit]
The erection of a large heat, light and power station made it possible to convert the old boiler house into a patient's industrial department. In this department various industries have been taken up, such as seating chairs, making slippers, brooms, brushes, mats, stockings, and printing. It is hoped that in the near future tailoring, shoemaking and basket making can be taken up. At the present time two industrial teachers are permanently employed, a man and a woman, who, under the direction of the physician, teach selected cases the particular work for which they seem adapted. In the women's department a large amount of the work is done on the wards, the industrial teacher going from ward to ward as may be necessary, and once a week having a class, of dementia praecox cases chiefly, in the entertainment hall.
In 1914 many women patients were employed in the garden picking vegetables. During the coming season a plot of ground is to be prepared and made ready for such women patients as can be induced to have a vegetable or flower garden. The contentment and general peace of mind that prevails where the interest of women patients is enlisted in useful work is very noticeable.
For one year the hospital has employed a field worker, who visits the different parts of the state studying the genealogical history, environmental conditions and everything pertaining to the causation of the particular attack in any individual case. It is proposed in the near future to combine field work and aftercare supervision with the hope that more definite statistical data may be procured regarding the causation of a particular attack and subsequent history of the case after discharge.[1]
Late 20th Century[edit]
Building construction continued through the 20th century as the hospital population continued to increase. In 1941 the Dolloff building was built to meet the growing need for a special facility for geriatric patients. The Thayer Building was also converted to such a facility as the population of geriatric patients grew dramatically in the late 1950's. Also in 1941 the Medical Surgical Building was constructed. Originally all medical care was provided at Thayer Building. New Hampshire State Hospital employed a staff of general practitioners to provide on-grounds medical care including surgical, routine health screening and dental services. There was no need send patients to area physicians, as specialists came to the facility to treat the patients. The Medical Surgical Building had three Surgical Rooms on the top floor as well as full autoclave capabilities to keep instruments sterile. The lower floors served as intensive care units or as recovery wards. The Dental suites were located in the basement, which also housed the pathology lab and physical therapy department. Routine X-rays and electrocardiograms were also provided on the first floor as part of the normal health screening process for all patients.
The Anna Philbrook Center, built in 1960, is named for Dr. Anna Philbrook who was instrumental in its creation Dr. Philbrook was one of the first women licensed to practice child psychiatry in this country and in 1933, the 63rd person to become a licensed psychiatrist in the US. She started her career as a staff Psychiatrist at New Hampshire Hospital. In 1945, she was named director of the State Child Guidance Clinics. This unit had two homes the home of Ambassador John Winant and the basement of Thayer Building before a new facility was built on Hospital grounds in 1959. Until 1969, the North Wing of the Child Guidance Center served as an outpatient treatment facility for emotionally disturbed children. In 1969 Dr. Philbrook's dream became a reality when the rest of the structure was completed as an inpatient unit and was named the Anna Philbrook Center.
The last building constructed was the APS building in 1989. When it first opened it was state of the art in psychiatric care for New Hampshire's adult and elderly populations. The architectural designs allowed more natural light to reach patient care areas to assist in the healing process. The mall type atmosphere as you entered gave it the look of openness and welcome to those who reside and visit. Though primarily an inpatient care facility, the Hospital hosts several outpatient support groups and programming to assist the public and families in recovering from mental illness.[2]
Images of Concord State Hospital[edit]
Main Image Gallery: Concord State Hospital
The following two part video is a tour of the tunnel system of Concord State Hospital and was created by Michael Eschenbach. It has some good interviews of hospital employees and talks about the hospital history.
- Part 1
- Part 2
Links and Addition Information[edit]