- We have a Asylum Projects Genealogical Requests page which answers many general questions and can point towards other institutions that might have what you are seeking.
- We do not have any sort of offline achieves, warehouse, or personal files for Stamford Hall Sanitarium. Everything we have and know is online. Also we are not affiliated with state archives and local historical societies.
- We may not know where Stamford Hall Sanitarium records might have gone or if they had been kept and preserved.
- Asylum Projects is made up of volunteers who do this out of their own spare time.
- Please do not put up any information you do not want the public at large to see.
- Please do not hijack another person's question with your own. Start another thread for your own question.
- Please take note of these guidelines:
- Start your question with a header using this: == Title of your question ==
- Write your question below the header you just created.
- If you are answering someone's question please start your comment with ":" if you are adding on to another comment then use more then one colon like "::" so there is a clear path of answers.
- Also, do not forget to sign your comment with ~~~~ so we know who is asking/answering.
- Please do not restate your entire question in the summery box below the edit window.
- Finally, please be courteous when asking a question or answering someone else's question.