Talk:Asylum Projects Genealogical Requests

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Finding health records from Fort Supply OK[edit]

My grandfather died while hospitalized in Fort Supply mental hospital attend 1936. We would like to obtain his mental health records for genetic reasons. His name was George o Peterman.

Sara Desiderio 516-641-6284

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Finding Relative In Insitution[edit]

I found my aunt in Wisconsin Colony and Training School State Institution-Mentally Deficient and Epileptic on a census for 1940. She was 7 years old. She was from Racine, Wisconsin. Her name is Dorothy Mae Hamann born August 8, 1932. Her parents were Earl and Theresa Hamann. I am trying to find out information as to her status, when she died and anything about her. I am hoping you can send me in the right direction.

Thank you,

Judith Pahl Palmer

Have you tried looking on the census and/or looking for her death certificate? M-Explorer (talk) 05:04, 19 January 2020 (MST)

Info on Great-grandmother that was in Central Statde Hospital- Nashville[edit]

"Hello. I was hoping someone might be able to give me info on this hospital and where to look for information if known. As for Hippa, my relatives leading up to her have passed on so i'm hoping that will not be an issue. Thanks in advance for any info you can give me."

Mary Nave (

Here is what we have on that hospital Nashville State Hospital. You should be able to find information on the hospital in both the state and local archives (I.E. historical societies). While you may find some stuff online, your best bet to finding what you are looking for will be going in person. M-Explorer (talk) 05:04, 19 January 2020 (MST)

GG-Grandmother in St. Vincent's Insane Assylum from about 1881 to 1900[edit]

I found the probate records for a guardianship to be granted to her son. The date was after her husband had died. Are there any records that are able to be accessed about this institution? Thank you for all of your work on this project. This institution was in St. Louis MO

That is a hard question. It depends on what they did with their old records. Some places kept and sent their records to either the central state archives or local archives. While others destroyed their old records after setting around untouched after nearly a hundred years. The strongest bet to finding what you seek would be to contact the institution itself, which is still active, and asking where those records were moved to if they still exist. M-Explorer (talk) 05:04, 19 January 2020 (MST)

Info on great grandfather in institution[edit]

I found my great grandfather on the 1940 census for the LaCrosse County Insane Asylum. His name is Bernt Tweet- or sometimes he goes by Gustav Bernt Tweet. There is little else about him that I can find. I am trying to find out how he got there - why he was institutionalized. Any information you can give me or point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate. Thank you. Joan Lawson (

I would try and get in contact with the LaCrosse County historical society/archive and see if they know where those records went if they still exist. M-Explorer (talk) 05:04, 19 January 2020 (MST)

Thank you. I will try that. Joan Lawson

Patient in a State Hospital[edit]

In 1910 there was a lady by the name of Anna Oldenhoff, She was a patient there. She was 44 years old and was married. My question is how long was she there? and Do you know where she might be buried? Her husbands name was Christian Oldenhoff. Also would like to know, if possible, why she was there ?I am putting together a family tree and have nothing for the Oldenhoff side I'm at a dead end here with her and her husband. But I"m only asking about her, cause she was in the asylum. Would appreciate anything you could give me on Anna OLdenhoff Sincerely, Theresa Oldenhoff

What hospital was she a patient of? As far as where she is buried, you first need to work out when she died by looking at the census and death records. After that, it is a question of if her family claimed her body. If so, she might have been buried in a cemetery where they lived at the time. If they did not, they she might have been buried in the hospital's cemetery. As far as why she was sent there, that is going to be a real tough question to answer as there is a strong chance her records may not exist anymore and what might still be around may be very vague. M-Explorer (talk) 05:04, 19 January 2020 (MST)

Family member in Waukesha County Asylum[edit]

I'm doing a family tree and I can't find anything on Anna Oldenhoff, except in the 1910 census, that she is in the Waukesha County Asylum, She was 44 and says that she is married. Any information you could give me would be appreciated. I'm at a block with her and her husband, both were my great- grandparents. Nobody is alive to tell me anything. Please advise. - Theresa Oldenhoff

Well, sadly online research will only take you so far. The last avenues online would be to try and see what the death record indexes would say. Beyond that, if you want to know more, you will most likely have to travel to the Waukesha County historical society or the state archives. Though, be prepared to not find all the information you want. Records from that time don't always survive. M-Explorer (talk) 02:40, 28 January 2020 (MST)

asylum projects genealogical requests[edit]

Looking for information regarding my Grandmother Mary Bell Poston (Mosier) 5/28/1881 - 4/27/1967. She was institutionalized in Massillon State Hospital, Ohio from 1932 until her death in 1967. - Poston192

Well, it looks like the institution was closed so the question will be where its records went and how much of its much older records still exist. Your best bet would be to try the Ohio state archives first. See what they have of that institution. Then if you cannot find the records there that you seek, then I would try the local historical society that encompasses where the institution was active. Note: there's a good chance you won't find much online and will have to go there in person. Also, based on the date she died I would guess that you will run into HIPPA laws which means you will have to jump through some legal hoops to get access to those records. M-Explorer (talk) 05:40, 21 March 2020 (MDT)

Burials at Mount Hope Retreat in Baltimore Maryland in 1913[edit]

I've discovered that my great great grandmother, Sarah Jennie Lynch Landon was confined to Mount Hope Retreat from shortly after the birth of her last child in 1884 until her death in 1913. Her husband predeceased her and she was abandoned by her surviving children shortly after he died. I do have her death certificate, however it does not list any location for burial. So I am assuming that she would have been buried by the Sisters. Can anybody tell me if there still is any cemetery standing that would have been used by Mount Hope Retreat in Baltimore Maryland in 1913. Unfortunately her death certificate does not even list a funeral home so I cannot even search by those records. I have confirmed that she was not buried with her husband in Reisterstown.

I wish I had an answer to your question. However, I live in New York and can only give you advice from afar. My suggestion would be to do some local sleuthing in person. You can go about it two ways. One, you could go to where the institution stood and look at the area and see if you can find a cemetery there yourself. Two, you can contact the local historical society and pose them the question. Ask if they knew where Mount Hope buried their pauper dead. There's a good chance they might know. M-Explorer (talk) 05:45, 21 March 2020 (MDT)

Looking for a great aunt "Maud Hageman" who was at Mendocino hospital.[edit]

She was a school teacher and had a nervous breakdown. She was committed to Talmage in the late 1880's to 1890's.

Thanks Debbie

My grandfather was listed on 1940 census at a patient at Wichita State Hospital in Wichita Falls, Texas[edit]

I am trying to find any information on my grandfather, Lonnie David Jones. He was born in Sherman, Texas on November 20, 1893. He was shown as a patient at the Wichita State Hospital on the 1940 census. His death certificate shows him dying in the hospital on July 22, 1954. Any information is appreciated. Why was he in the hospital? How long was he there? Any relatives listed?

Thank you for taking your time to help. Rebecca Lord (

Margaret Koch Fleck committed to Laureano village (Laurelton State Village), a state institution in Laurelton Pennsylvania in 1948[edit]

Her children were put into foster care and one is still alive and seeking information. She was admitted in February / March 1948. I'm trying to figure out when she was released or transferred to the Hollidaysburg State Hospital where she died in 1964.

finding record[edit]


Does anyone know how to access old information and records from Warren State Hospital. I am interested in a great grandmother named Minnie Cooper Walker, who was there from 1910 to 1940

Charlotte Tucker Gibson St John, NB[edit]

I am looking for my great-great grandmother's lineage. She was born in NB and died 7 Jan 1901 in Saint John, St. John, New Brunswick, in the asylum. She was the wife of William Gibson, and mother to 12 children, including my great grandfather, George H (Oracho) Gibson.

Found my Grandfather in the 1910 Census in St Joseph Ward 2,Buchanan, Missouri, USA[edit]

I am trying to find information on why my Grandfather is shown as a Patient in St. Joseph State Hospital. I understand the State Hospital is closed and wondered if there is a way to get information on why he was there.

Sheryl Peterson

Looking for Jennie Giles[edit]

I am looking for greatgrandmother Jennie Giles. Was told she was put in an asylum and her children in Danville orphanage in early 1900s. The children were there in 1910 census. Birth was 1878. Married Charles Giles in 1900. Last I can find is 1900 census. last child born 1906. Next mention is listed as dead on son's marriage license in 1921. Would like to know where and when she died and burial if possible. JessieD

Death of relative in Waupaca County Asylum in Wisconsin 1904[edit]

Sophie Jewett Miles Whitlock died 18 Jan 1904 at the Waupaca County Asylum in Wisconsin. She is buried in Marinette, Wisconsin at Forest Home Cemetery.

She and her second husband moved here to Marinette a few weeks before he passed away. Here is the situation. I have her buried with a Nelson Whitlock. But, I have an obituary for a George Whitlock and death cert. Nothing for Nelson. All I find is him being buried with his wife in Penniac, New Brunswick. There are no family members to contact regarding this, and I have spoke to the Canadian offices with this as well. The stone next to hers has Nelson Whitlock on it. The death record of George Whitlock says he died at the home of his son-in-law Douglas Miles. The son of Sophie.

I am hoping to find out the true name of her spouse so I can get the family records corrected and hopefully a correct stone for the correct Whitlock she is buried with. She ended up in the Asylum several years after her husband's death. It saddens me that after coming here to Marinette, that she loses her spouse and who knows for sure who she is buried with.

I greatly appreciate any information that is available for her. I am related to both the Whitlock names and my great grandmother was part of the same family that also lived here in town.


Great Aunt at Byberry State Hospital (PSH)[edit]


My great aunt Katherine Abramson lived at Byberry for many years. Was admitted probably between 1932-1939 since she's on the 1940 census. Where would I find her admittance (if any)?

She had no children, never married (was never able to due to illness as a young adult). She eventually left many years later for a group home after getting anti psychotic medication. My mom and uncle would be her next of kin. I guess I could get my mom to get the records if necessary.

Anything would be appreciated.

Thanks, Traci

California Law[edit]

My uncle was buried at Patton in California in 1927. His records exist and the historian suggested that I can have my doctor make a request to have the records transmitted to him. That said, I notice this page mentioned having records from prior to 1923 from a few California institutions online. Anyone know the statutory exception that allowed that release?

Massachusetts Waverley State School[edit]

My paternal grandmother was placed into the Massachusetts “Waverley State School” in 1933-34, yet I cannot find any links or references to this institution. I have letters using this name and Waverley, MA for a postal address yet I cannot find out anything further. Any help? Thanx, PeteDinsmore

Looking for information on my Great Grandmother[edit]

Hi there! my great grandmother, Katherine (or Catherine) Hiatt was at Clarinda State Hospital in Iowa in 1922. I was able to find a death certificate online stating that she died of "exhaustion from delirious mania" but wasn't able to really find any more information about her time there, or why she was hospitalized. It looks like the hospital closed in 2015, so I'm not quite sure where to go to maybe find records. Thanks so much for any and all help -Rachel Foster (

John Feher Retreat State Hospital, Retreat, Pennsylvania[edit]

Hello, I'm looking for any information that will help me find my grandfather's records from Retreat State Hospital. He was a patient from the late 1930's until his death in 1965. Any help will be appreciated.

John Henry Douglass[edit]

John Henry Douglas (Douglass) was at the Sauk County Asylum and died on Christmas Day 25 Dec 1887 after the Asylum opened in the spring of 1887. I have a postcard dated Jan 4, 1888 from the Warden to my Great Grandfather Alexander Young regarding, my 1st Cousin 2X removed, John Henry Douglass' death. "Death occurred the 25 of Dec. Dropped off the seat and never spoke." He may have been one of the five initial patients of the opening that spring. Any further information would be appreciated even if it is the correct spelling of the Warden's name. I will gladly share the historical postcard but seem to be unable to post it here. Thank you in advance for any help. Paul Rusley Meeker 330-284-3324

Ancestor: Eastern Lunatic Asylum (Virginia) and New Orleans City Asylum[edit]

Research Help Request

Dr. Gawin Lane Corbin - Born of Maria Beverley in 1799, son of Richard Randolph (already deceased when born) and adopted by Gawin Lane Corbin, 2nd Husband of Maria Beverley.

He lived in Philadelphia for a bit and returned and settled in Warwick County, VA (now Newport News). He amassed a bunch of land and was the only doctor in Warwick... many land record descriptions still carry the name Corbin. He was a state delegate and AMA delegate as well as a Lt Col in the Virginia 115th militia.

In late 1852, he was committed to the Eastern Lunatic Asylum. He was counted at the asylum in the 1860 and 1870 census. He had at least 3 wives... one whose brother was Thomas Hughes of Warwick County. He had at least 2 children before 1828 as an obituary mentions John Randolph Corbin as the "youngest son of Dr. G. L. Corbin" In 1834, he married Elizabeth Jordan (nee Hines), who died in 1845 and had issue Philip S P Corbin. In 1846, he married Mary Ann Hines and had issue Virginia Corbin and Mary (Molly) Corbin. She was counted in the 1860 Census with her uncle in Nansemond County.

Any way of finding out why he was committed and when he died?

Dr Philip Sing Physio Corbin

From Suffolk News-Herald 9/30/1937 regarding Liberty Springs Church:

Preaching services were conducted once a month. A Sunday school was kept up during the warm weather. The first pastor, the Rev. P. S. P. Corbin, M.D., lived near the schoolhouse, when the church was organized and probably at the organization. He was a physician as well as a minister. He was licensed to preach in the year 1865, and was ordained in 1866. Nature endowed him with a brilliant mind. He was well educated, and an attractive speaker. After resigning the church at the end of the conference year 1869, he went to Houma, Louisiana, in November 1869, to practice medicine. His family joined him in the early part of 1870. He contracted a severe case of malaria which resulted in the breakdown of his nervous system. He died in a hospital on October 12th 1873 at the age of 36 years. He was buried at the Masonic cemetery in New Orleans, LA.

Nansemond County (VA) register of deaths list the cause as jaundice and the date October 28th

The Louisiana death certificate has the date of October 29th and says the death was at the New Orleans Insane Asylum. Worth noting his father, Dr. Gawin Lane Corbin was counted in the 1860 and 1870 censuses at the Eastern State Lunatic Asylum in Williamsburg, VA.

Any way of finding out why he was committed?

No indication of mental illness being passed on beyond these two, but curious how these two men, father and son, as upstanding and influential as they were and from colonial pedigree, both ended up in asylums where they died.

Request for medical records, information Lillie Douglas 1899 - 1969[edit]

Lillie Douglas was at the Clover Bottom Developmental Center in Donelson Tennessee. I believe she was admitted sometime in the 1930's and was there until her death in 1969. She is buried on site. Any information on her would be appreciated. I can be reached at Thank-you

Kingsboro Hospital and Kings County Farms Pauper's Cemetery[edit]

In 1916 the Kingsboro Hospital (Flatbush, Brooklyn, New York) was built on the grounds of the Kings County Farms Cemetery. This was the cemetery for paupers. Some reports say that the graves were dug up and the remains moved to North Brother Island. There were tens of thousands of graves affected. Does anyone have research on this topic?

My great great grandfather was buried here in 1913 and I'm trying to find his final resting place.

Regards, Rich

Great Grandfather had been in the Illinois State Hospital in Kankakee[edit]

I am trying to obtain information on my GGGgrandfather, Peter Burgett b about 1823 in Pennsylvania. He may have been the Peter Burgett that was a patient at the Illinois State Hospital in Kankakee and buried in the hospital cemetery there. I would appreciate any information you can give me on your patient: Peter Burgett who was there prior to his death 11 Sep 1887. My GGGgrandfather lived in Will County for many years. His wife was Mary J Burgett.

I appreciate any information you can give me. Thank You! - Dolce9191

Searching for medical reason - 2nd great grandmother was inmate at Mendota Asylum in Wisconsin.[edit]

My 2nd great-grandmother - Berthe Maria Eriksdatter Øvergård (aka Bertha Overgaard; Mrs Peter Overgaard) of Christiana, Vernon County, Wisconsin was inmate at Mendota State Asylum in Wisconsin and I've love to know more about her diagnosed medical condition. My great-grandfather was only 14 when his mother died and no one in family had heard any stories of her being in an Asylum. Thank you for any assistance.

A 1889 clipping from the Vernon County Censor of Viroqua, Wisconsin says "Bertha Overggard, a middle aged woman of Christiana, was taken to the state asylum. So violent was her condition that three persons could scarcely handle her".

A 1890 clipping from the Vernon County Censor of Viroqua, Wisconsin says she was adjudged insane and taken to state asylum.

A 1896 clipping from the Vernon County Censor of Viroqua, Wisconsin says she was adjudged insane and taken to the Mendota asylum. It adds that she had three times been an inmate of the state asylum, the last time about five year previous.

Her tombstone in Christiana, Vernon County reflects: Born: 24 APR 1843 Died: 18 Oct 1897

Looking for the institution where my mother was sent[edit]

My mother, who has since passed away, was sent to an institution in Indiana in 1965 or 1966. I have reached out to the state records office and they have no records of her at state-run institutions. This suggests that she was sent to a private institution. I'm trying to determine where she was most likely sent so that I can perform a records request, but I'm feeling a little lost. Based off the Asylum Projects records of private institutions in the state, I'm guessing it might be one of those, but I can't find any information about these institutions: Creating Wabash Valley Mental Health, Creating Runnel's Hospital, or Creating Newland Park Sanitarium.

Any advice or pointers on where to look next? It would be hugely appreciated. I can be reached by email at tracyquen [at] gmail [dot] com.

East Tennessee Hospital for the Insane[edit]

I am looking for records from around 1890 for East Tennessee Hospital for the Insane. I am aware it changed names and has since been demolished. Any info on records would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

St. Francis Hospital in Sussex, England[edit]

I am looking for records that may still exist for the Brighton County Borough Mental Hospital in the early 1930s. It was changed to St. Francis and has since closed. I've been unable to find anything online and thought I would reach out. Thank you! Kind regards, Maureen

Tring to locate information on my Great Uncle Jesse Powers.[edit]

He was a patient at Partlow State School from 1930 to 1940 then was a patient at Pasteur state school. He was born approximately 1920 in Meigs, TN. I would like to know what his medical history is and information regarding his death.

Thank you, Phyllis Johnson

Looking for info on Blanche Pallister (Harwood) Newark State School 1940's-1950's[edit]

Through Ancestry I have discovered my husband's great-grandmother was in the Newark State School/Newark Mental Home in Newark,NY on the 1940 Census and 1950 Census. She is listed as an Inmate/Patient. Apparently I am the first to discover this big secret and the remaining living relatives I have reached out to have never heard of her. We would like to find out if she died in the Newark State School as there are many unmarked graves there. I have contacted NYS to go about obtaining this information the proper way. After being listed in a 1957 obituary for one of her parents, there are zero records for her. My email is

Thank you, Cara