Norristown State Hospital

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Norristown State Hospital
Established May 5, 1876
Construction Began 1878
Opened 1880
Current Status Active
Building Style Transitional
Location Norristown, PA
Architecture Style High Victorian Gothic Revival
Peak Patient Population 4,954 in 1947
Alternate Names Asylum for the Insane at Norristown

Norristown 17.jpg

In May 1876 Governor John Hartranft formed a commission to study the need for a state-owned hospital in southeastern Pennsylvania. In that same year, under Public Law 121, the Pennsylvania Legislature called for the establishment of a state mental hospital to serve the Southeastern District of Pennsylvania. A 200-acre tract in the northern part of Norristown borough (now split between Norristown and East Norriton Township) was chosen for the hospital and work began on March, 21, 1878. This year can be found engraved at the top of the tower on the administration building at Norristown.

Upon completion on February 17, 1880 there were only two other state-owned hospitals, one in Danville that opened in 1872 and one in Harrisburg that opened in 1851. Plans were underway to construct another at Warren. Norristown was built to alleviate the overcrowding in the psychiatric wards of the Philadelphia Almshouse and other hospitals in southeastern Pennsylvania. In 1880, the hospital was turned over to the Board of Trustees for operation. During this perriod, the hospital was opened to both sexes and continued to be divided into men's and women's departments until 1923. Serving nearly 3,000 patients, in 1924 the hospital was reorganized under one superintendent. As with most state hospitals at the time, there was a farm with livestock and crops on the grounds and the patients helped to operate the facility until the 1970's. Norristown State Hospital continues to operate a farmer's market on the grounds currently, which is open to the public. However, nothing is grown on site, and most of the former farmland are under the jurisdiction of Norristown Farm Park.

Norristown State Hospital received its first patient, a woman, on July 12, 1880. Two more women arrived on July 13th followed by the first two men on July 17th. Very soon thereafter groups of individuals were admitted from other state hospitals and county almshouses. By September 30, 1880, there were 295 men and 251 women receiving inpatient care and treatment.

Norristown State Hospital was the first of the Pennsylvania state hospitals to construct its buildings deviating slightly from the "Kirkbride Plan". Instead of constructing a single monolithic building, the individual patient wards were seperated and free-standing. These building were connected with a series of underground tunnels, including a central tunnel which stretches across the property. Norristown still maintains the schematics of Kirkbride's original plan, with it seperation of male and female departments, as well as leveling the acuity of patients by ward.

There was a tremendous emphasis during the early period on a 'humane' approach to psychiatric treatment ("moral therapy") allowing the individual as much liberality as his/her condition would permit, which was common ofr the period. Several low-acuity wards were unlocked for periods of time, and grounds privileges was a common feature of daily life. Work assignments became a significant feature of a patient's daily routine, many focusing on the workings of the state farm. However, with the change in Pennsylvania State Law in the 1970's, hospital patients were no longer permitted to be involved in farm labor. Thereafter, the farmlands were employed by separates agencies of the city of Norristown, namely Norris-City and Norristown Farm Park.

The hospital was organized into three sections - men, women, and a business section headed by a steward. Each section was completely independent of the other, with almost completely separate services. The staff of the men's unit was for sometime all men, and the staff of the women's unit all women. A Nursing School was established in 1897, at this time the hospital census had passed two-thousand patients. Accomodation was also made for nurses on the grounds with the construction of a 'Nurses Home', which is still standing, but not operating under the jursidiction of the state.

In 1923 the hospital's Board of Trustees voted to combine under one management with a Medical Superintendent. Dr. Frederick C. Robbins was the first Superintendent under a combined system. The 1920's and 1930's saw the development of specialized departments such as Social Work, Occupational Therapy, and Psychology. Some years later, Volunteer Resources, Recreation, and Vocational Services were formally established.

The renowned Arthur P. Noyes became Superintendent in 1936 and remained in that position until 1959. Dr. Noyes started the Psychiatric Residency Program which was to be in operation for almost fifty years. He opened new hospital gates (Gate #2, #3 and #4) and introduced many innovations in therapeutic treatment. His magnum opus, 'Modern Clinical Psychiatry', is considered a classic in the field of Psychiatry.

During the 1930's and 1940's electro shock therapy (ECT), insulin coma therapy, and lobotomies became common methods of treatment. The usage of psychotropic (anti-psychotic) medications began in the early 1950's with the advent of Thorazine. Medications were able to help control and lessen the severity of many of the symptoms and behaviors associated with mental illness.

Specialized treatment units for substance abuse, social rehabilitation, geriatrics, adolescents, forensics, among others, were developed during the latter 1950's and into the 1960's. There was an emphasis on social and vocational rehabilitation to prepare persons for community re-entry.

The late 1960's and early 1970's stressed an emphasis on placement of many patients into the community. The census began to drop significantly. The number of inpatients dropped from about 3200 in February 1968 to slightly over 1700 in May, 1973. By the early 1970's, each patient had an individualized personal treatment plan and met regularly with a multi-disciplinary treatment team. This concept continues to the present with each patient having a period of treatment and activity participation each day.

In more recent years, Norristown State Hospital has assimilated multiple patients and staff from the closures of other state hospitals so now it is the only remaining state hospital in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Many buildings on the grounds are no longer operational. Others still are leased to other mental health agencies, namely: Circle Lodge, Community Homeless Outreach Center (CHOC), STAR-Carelink and Montgomery County Emergency Services.

Images of Norristown State Hospital

Main Image Gallery: Norristown State Hospital