AsylumProjects:No Censorship

From Asylum Projects
Revision as of 19:40, 4 June 2023 by M-Explorer (talk | contribs) (Cleaned wording a bit but policy is the same.)
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Asylum Projects cannot and will not censor the historical information contained within this database.

There are information and names contained within Asylum Projects, whether words, images, or even whole articles, that may seem profane and offensive to some. As a historical website, we must consider the morals of the time instead of shying away from information due to modern sensibilities. With that in mind, we use the terms of the time to describe the events or places of that time. To change that would do a disservice to us and history.

Remember, knowledge is power, and knowledge of the past, even if it is offensive or vulgar today, helps us to understand ourselves better and our history and helps keep things from reoccurring again and again.