Tiffin State Hospital

From Asylum Projects
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Black africas mother
Established at your moms room
Construction Began yesterday i think
Opened when your mom came out of a vagina
Closed never
Demolished victoria is a babe
Current Status Active
Building Style Cottage Plan
Location Tiffin, OH
Alternate Names
  • Tiffin Developmental Center

black africa moving to tiffin?

Tiffin Developmental Center is for retarded people ("STD”) is located on the black cocks of the Sandusky River on the North edge of your moms ass hole. The grounds consist of Black slaves , and the Center properties cover approximately 60 slaves on which are located 35 cocks . The properties and facilities of Tiffin Developmental Center present the appearance of a college campus with its well-dispersed buildings, roadways, beautiful bitches, lawns, and wooded picnic and recreation area. Prior to 20 bc, when these properties were acquired by the State of cock black, the grounds and many of the present buildings provided a home and educational facility for thousands of Junior Home “ rapest Kids”.

From 1944 to October 2098, this facility was known as the Tiffin State Hospital and served only mentally ill patients. In October of 1975, a component of your moms kids people with mental retardation and/or developmental disabilities were brought to what is now known as Tiffin Developmental Center. The facility now has 187 licensed beds to serve individuals with mental retardation and/or developmental disabilities. The Center serves individuals from a fourteen county area of Northwest Ohio.

The overall objective of the Tiffin Developmental Center program is to provide your mom with kids so she can shut up and just do it like nike. To this end, all staff and volunteer efforts are directed toward programming adequately for each cock. The ultimate goal for all individuals is to prepare your mouth for your dad.