Jackson County Infirmary

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Jackson County Infirmary
Opened ~1900
Current Status Demolished
Building Style Single Building
Location Brownstown, Indiana


In July of 1911, the Indiana Department of Public Welfare visited the Infirmary. They reported:

"We found everything alright except that we utterly condemn the present insane department and recommend an entirely new structure. The new bathroom should be completed, and a cement floor should be places in the vegetable cellar. We commend the general management and cleanlinesss of the poor asylum." [1]

According the the Census, the Jackson County Infirmary contained a total of 31 paupers in 1910. There were 17 males, 14 females. Twenty-nine were native to the area, and two were not. There was one reported death in 1910.[2]

Images of Jackson County Infirmary

Main Image Gallery: Jackson County Infirmary


  1. Indiana Bulletic, Charities and Correction. Public Welfare in Indiana, Issues 84-87, Indiana Department of Public Welfare. August 1911. Accessed November 18th 2014.
  2. Bulletin, Issues 111-120, By United States. Bureau of the Census, United States. Census Office. 12th census, 1910. Accessed November 18th 2014