De la Pole Hospital

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De la Pole Hospital
Established 1881
Opened 1883
Closed 1996
Current Status Demolished
Building Style Pavilion Plan
Architect(s) Smith and Brodrick of Hull
Location Willerby, Yorkshire
Alternate Names
  • Hull Borough Asylum (1849 - 1883)
  • Hull City and County Asylum (by 1902 - 1929)
  • Hull City Mental Asylum (by 1929 - ?)
  • De La Pole Psychiatric Hospital


The new Kingston upon Hull Borough Asylum was built to replace the original asylum which was too small and in a poor state of repair. The new building was purpose built and occupied much larger grounds. In addition to the main building was a detached chapel and villas, an admission hospital and nurses home were added later. In later years a number of services were relocated from the nearby Broadgate hospital when that closed. The hospital closed in 1996 and the main complex was demolished although most other buildings survive in various uses.


De la Pole Hospital by J.A.R.Bickford