Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center

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Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center
Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center
Opened 1985
Current Status Active
Building Style Metropolitan Plan
Location 600 East 125th St, Ward's Island, New York.
Architecture Style 1960s Institutional
Alternate Names
  • Manhattan State Hospital
  • Manhattan Psychiatric Center

Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center, is a maximum security hospital of the New York State Office of Mental Health. It is located on the campus of the Manhattan Psychiatric Center on Ward's Island but separated from the facility in 1985 and is now considered a semi-independent entity. It provides secure treatment and evaluation for the forensic patients and courts of New York City and Long Island. Most patients are received through the courts under Criminal Procedure Law (CPL) or through the OMH Commissioner's office via the New York State Code of Rules and Regulations (NYSCRR) regarding hospitalization of the mentally ill.

Treatment is provided in accordance with the current standards of professional care outlined by the Joint Commission of Accreditation of Health Organizations (JCAHO) and is carried out with respect for each patient's privacy and rights, in agreement with his/her level of functioning and need for security. KFPC has an active staff education program as well as academic affiliations with several metropolitan area colleges and universities, to help assure quality treatment and state of the art care. Today the hospital serves as a maximum security hospital, mostly court ordered patients from Long island and NYC.

Images of Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center
