From Asylum Projects
Public Institutions
- Belfast District Hospital for the Insane
- Central Mental Hospital
- Clonmel Hospital
- Eglinton Asylum
- Holywell Hospital
- Mater Hospital
- Monaghan Lunatic Asylum
- Newcastle Mental Hospital
- Our Lady's Hospital
- Our Lady's Hospital, Cork
- St. Brendan's Hospital
- St Brigid’s Hospital
- St. Canices Hospital
- St. Columba's Hospital
- St. Conal's Psychiatric Hospital
- St. Davnets Hospital
- St. Dympna's Hospital
- St. Finans Hospital
- St. Fintans Hospital
- St. Ita's Hospital
- St. John of God Hospital
- St. Josephs Hospital
- St. Kevin’s Hospital
- St. Loman's Hospital
- St. Lukes Hospital
- St. Marys Hospital
- St. Otterans Hospital
- St. Patrick's Hospital
- St Senans Hospital
- St. Vincent's Psychiatric Hospital
- Waterford Regional Hospital