Tippecanoe County Home

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Tippecanoe County Home
Established 1872
Opened 1969 (Current Building)
Current Status Active
Building Style Single Building
Location Lafayette, IN
Architecture Style Contemporary
Alternate Names
  • Tippecanoe County Asylum
  • Tippecanoe Villa


Tippecanoe County Home was founded in 1969 for the community of Tippecanoe county. The property contained the contemporary main building, a gazebo, two garages, a corn crib, a basement barn, and a barn. There is a cemetery located somewhere in the woods nearby the property.[1]

Images of Tippecanoe County Home

Main Image Gallery: Tippecanoe County Home


  1. Hassett, Kayla. "The County Home in Indiana : A Forgotten Response to Poverty and Disability." Diss. Ed. Vera A. Adams. Ball State U, 2013. Cardinal Scholar, 05 Apr. 2013. Web. 02 Dec 2014.