Difference between revisions of "Template:infobox state"

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Line 15: Line 15:
{{!}} colspan="2" {{!}}''Motto(s): {{{Motto}}}''  
{{!}} colspan="2" {{!}}''Motto(s): {{{Motto}}}''  
|- class="maptable"
|- class="maptable"
| colspan="2" | [[Image:{{{Map}}}|center|Map of the United States with {{{Name}}} highlighted}}
| colspan="2" | [[Image:{{{Map}}}|center|Map of the United States with {{{Name}}} highlighted]]

Revision as of 16:56, 17 May 2010

[[Image:{{{flag}}}|125px|border|alt{{{flagAlt}}}|Flag of {{{Name}}}]] [[Image:{{{seal}}}|100px|alt{{{sealAlt>}}}|State seal of {{{Name}}}]]
Flag of {{{Name}}} Seal of {{{Name}}}
Nickname(s): {{{Nickname}}}
Motto(s): {{{Motto}}}
[[Image:{{{Map}}}|center|Map of the United States with {{{Name}}} highlighted]]
General State Information
 - Capital {{{Capital}}}
 - Largest city {{{LargestCity}}}
 - Total {{{Total_Area_mile}}} sq mi
({{{Total_Area_km}}} km2)
 - Width {{{Width_mile}}} miles ({{{Width_km}}} km)
 - Length {{{Length_mile}}} miles ({{{Length_km}}} km)
General Population Statistics
 - Total State Population {{{total_state_population}}}
 - Current Total Mental Health Inpatient Population {{{total_mh_inpatient_pop}}}
 - Current Total Mental Health Inpatient Population With Mental Illness {{{total_mh_inpatient_pop_illness}}}
 - Current Total Mental Health Inpatient Population With Mental Disability {{{total_mh_inpatient_pop_disability}}}
Past Population Statistics
 - Year of Past Peak Mental Health Inpatient Population {{{year_past_peak_pop}}}
 - Past Peak Mental Health Inpatient Population {{{past_mh_inpatient_pop}}}
 - Year of Peak Mental Health Inpatient Population With Mental Illness {{{year_past_peak_pop_illness}}}
 - Paste Peak Mental Health Inpatient Population With Mental Illness {{{past_total_mh_inpatient_pop_illness}}}
 - Year of Peak Mental Health Inpatient Population With Mental Disability {{{year_past_peak_pop_disability}}}
 - Past Peak Mental Health Inpatient Population With Mental Disability {{{past_total_mh_inpatient_pop_disability}}}
Current Institution Statistics
 - Total Number Of Mental Health Institutions {{{total_number_mental_health_institutions}}}
 - Current Number Of Public Institutions {{{current_number_public_institutions}}}
 - Current Number Of Private Institutions {{{current_number_private_institutions}}}
Past Mental Health Institutions
 - Year Of Peak Number of Mental Health Institutions {{{year_peak_mh_institutions}}}
 - Peak Number of Mental Health Institutions {{{peak_mh_institutions}}}
Past Mental Illness Institutions
 - Year Of Peak Number of Institutions For Mental Illness {{{year_peak_mh_institutions_illness}}}
 - Peak Number of Institutions For Mental Illness {{{peak_mh_institutions_illness}}}
 - Year Of Peak Number of State Hospitals {{{year_peak_state_hospitals}}}
 - Number of State Hospitals {{{peak_state_hospitals}}}
 - Year Of Peak Number of Private Institutions {{{year_peak_private_mental_illness_hospitals}}}
 - Number of Private Institutions for Mental Illnesses {{{peak_private_mental_illness_hospitals}}}
Past Mental Disability Institutions
 - Year Of Peak Number of Institutions For Mental Disabilities {{{year_peak_mh_institutions_disabilities}}}
 - Peak Number of Institutions For Mental Disabilities {{{peak_mh_institutions_disabilities}}}
 - Year Of Peak Number of State Schools {{{year_peak_state_schools}}}
 - Number of State Schoolss {{{peak_state_schools}}}
 - Year Of Peak Number of Private Institutions {{{year_peak_private_mental_disabilities_hospitals}}}
 - Number of Private Institutions for Mental Illnesses {{{peak_private_mental_disabilities_hospitals}}}

{{infobox state
| Name =
| flag =
| flagAlt =
| seal =
| sealAlt =
| motto = 
| Map =
| MapAlt = 
| nickname = 
| capital = 
| largest_city = 
| Total_Area_mile = 
| Total_Area_km =
| Width_mile = 
| Width_km =
| Length_mile =
| Length_km = 
| total_state_population = 
| total_mh_inpatient_pop = 
| total_mh_inpatient_pop_illness =
| total_mh_inpatient_pop_disability =
| year_past_peak_pop = 
| past_mh_inpatient_pop =
| year_past_peak_pop_illness = 
| past_total_mh_inpatient_pop_illness = 
| year_past_peak_pop_disability = 
| past_total_mh_inpatient_pop_disability = 
| total_number_mental_health_institutions = 
| current_number_public_institutions =
| current_number_private_institutions =
| year_peak_mh_institutions =
| peak_mh_institutions = 
| year_peak_mh_institutions_illness =
| peak_mh_institutions_illness =
| year_peak_state_hospitals =
| peak_state_hospitals =
| year_peak_private_mental_illness_hospitals =
| peak_private_mental_illness_hospitals
| year_peak_mh_institutions_disabilities =
| peak_mh_institutions_disabilities =
| year_peak_state_schools =
| peak_state_schools =
| year_peak_private_mental_disabilities_hospitals =
| peak_private_mental_disabilities_hospitals = 