Category:Closed Institution
From Asylum Projects
These institutions have been closed and/or is being used in a form that it had not been originally built for. Some examples would be an institution that had been built as a mental hospital but is now a standard prison, a private tuberculosis sanitarium that is not a general hospital, or a mental institution that is completely closed and is currently unused.
Pages in category "Closed Institution"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 360 total.
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- A. L. Bowen Developmental Center
- Adams-Nervine Asylum
- Adler Mental Health Center
- Adolf Meyer Zone Center
- Adrian Training School for Girls
- Alabama State Training School for Girls
- Allegany County Poor House
- Allentown State Hospital
- Altoona State School and Hospital
- Apple Creek State Hospital
- Arapaho Manual Labor and Boarding School
- Ararat Lunatic Asylum
- Arlington Hospital and School
- Asbury Manual Labor School
- Auckland Lunatic Asylum
- Bangour Village Hospital
- Barrow Hospital
- Battey State Hospital
- Beaver County Poor Farm
- Beechworth Lunatic Asylum
- Belchertown State School
- Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital
- Belmont County Infirmary
- Blaine County Almshouse
- Blockley Almshouse
- Blue Ridge Mountain Sanitarium
- Bluewater Centre
- Bockley Almshouse
- Bordentown Manual Training School
- Boys Industrial School at Lancaster
- Brandon Training School
- Brandywine Sanatorium
- Brecksville VA Hospital
- Broughton Hall Psychiatric Clinic
- Bucks County Almshouse
- Butner State Hospital
- Callan Park Hospital for the Insane
- Camarillo State Hospital
- Camden County Hospital for the Insane
- Camp LaGuardia
- Canadian County Almshouse
- Carroll County Almshouse and Farm
- Cedar County Home
- Cedarcrest Regional Hospital
- Central Islip State Hospital
- Charles Camsell Sanatorium
- Cherokee Female & Male Seminary Schools
- Chicago State Tuberculosis Sanitarium
- Chickasaw Orphan Home and Manual Labor School
- Chilocco Indian Agricultural School
- Choctaw-Chickasaw Tuberculosis Sanatorium
- Chuala Female Seminary
- Clarinda State Hospital
- Cleveland Receiving Hospital
- U.S. Naval Asylum and Hospital
- Clover Bottom Developmental Center
- Cobourg Asylum
- Coldwater State Home
- Collingwood Lunatic Asylum
- Columbia Training School
- Concho Indian Boarding School
- Connecticut School for Boys
- Coton Hill Asylum
- Craig Developmental Center
- Creek Orphan Asylum
- Crockett State School for Girls
- Crownsville State Hospital
- Cumberland County Hospital for the Insane
- Custer State Hospital
- East Texas State Tuberculosis Sanatorium
- Eastern Oregon State Hospital
- Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute
- Eastern Shore State Hospital
- Eastern State School and Hospital
- Easton Sanitarium
- Edgewood Sanatorium
- Edwin Shaw Hospital
- El Paso County Poor Farm
- Ellis Island Isolation Hospital
- Elmcrest Manor
- Eyrie Sanatorium
- G. Pierce Wood Memorial Hospital
- Gabriels Sanatorium
- Gaebler Children's Center
- Galesburg State Research Hospital
- Geauga County Infirmary
- Genesee County Poor House
- Georgia State Training School for Boys
- Giles County Poor Farm
- Gladwyne Colony
- Glendale Lodge
- Glenwood State School
- Gowanda State Hospital
- Grafton State Hospital
- Grand-View Sanatorium
- Grandview Sanitarium
- Graylands Mental Hospital
- Greene Valley Hospital and School
- Greil Memorial Psychiatric Hospital
- Grosvenor Hospital
- Gulf Coast Center
- Halcyon Sanitarium
- Hanson Tuberculosis Hospital
- Hardy Sanitorium
- Harlem Valley State Hospital
- Harrisburg State Hospital
- Hart Island
- Haverford State Hospital
- Heathcote Mental Hospital
- Hebrew Orphan Asylum
- Henry County Pauper Asylum
- Herdmanflat Hospital
- High Royds Hospital
- Hillcrest Hospital
- Hillcrest Sanitarium
- Hillview Mental Health Center
- Hissom Memorial Center
- Hollidaysburg State Hospital
- Hollydale Mental Hospital
- Hudson River State Hospital
- Laconia State School
- Lafayette Center
- Lake Alice Hospital
- Lake County Sanatorium
- Lake Julia Sanatorium
- Lakeville State Hospital
- Lakin Industrial Home for Colored Boys
- Lakin State Hospital
- Lancaster County Almshouse and Asylum
- Lancaster Moor Hospital
- Larundel Psychiatric Hospital
- Laurelton State Village
- Lawrence Frick State Hospital
- Lee County Almshouse
- Leesville State School
- Lemnos Hospital
- Letchworth Village
- Lewis County Poor Farm
- Lima State Hospital
- Lima State Tuberculosis Hospital
- Lincoln State School
- Lurleen Wallace Developmental Center
- Lyman School for Boys
- Maine School for Feeble Minded
- Manor Hospital
- Mansfield Training School
- Manteno State Hospital
- Marcy State Hospital
- Markleton Sanatorium
- Marlboro State Hospital
- Massachusetts Industrial School for Boys
- Medfield State Hospital
- Mekasukey Academy
- Menantico State Colony
- Mercer Sanatorium
- Mid Wales Hospital